I have the following Spring-Cloud-Gateway
configuration and controller endpoint targeted by that configuration but my @RequestBody
parameter is always null when the request reaches the endpoint. Could you please direct me as to how I should modify my Spring-Cloud-Gateway
configuration, so that problem does not persist?
public class SpringCloudConfig {
@Autowired SlotWalletDiscoveryService slotWalletDiscoveryService;
public RouteLocator gatewayRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes()
.route(r -> r.path("/api/bank/slot/account/**") //intercept calls to
.uri("http://localhost:8761/") //forward to
public ServerCodecConfigurer serverCodecConfigurer() {
return ServerCodecConfigurer.create();
class BankRequestController() {
@GetMapping("/{ref}") fun test2(@PathVariable("ref") userRef: String, @RequestBody
bankRequest: BankRequest?, @RequestHeader(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION) authHeader : String): String? {
return "Hello JavaInUse Called in First Service $userRef"
This is a good example but I would appreciate if someone could show me how to adapt it for my case scenario.
Ive tried this with no success:
public RouteLocator gatewayRoutes(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
return builder.routes()
.route(r -> r.path("/api/bank/slot/account/**").and()
.readBody(BankRequest.class, bankRequest -> {
return true;
}) //intercept calls to
.uri("http://localhost:8761/") //forward to
The problem had nothing to do with the spring-cloud-gateway configuration. On Insomnia
I had to specify