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How to get the Designation of the User from AdminDirectory

I was able to get the user name from the below code, is there a way to get the user's designation (or mobile number or work location?)

  function getUser() {
  var user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
  var employee = AdminDirectory.Users.get(user).name.fullName;
  Logger.log('User data:\n%s', JSON.stringify(employee, null, 2));


  • Answer:

    Using the same AdminDirectory.Users.get() method you can obtain phone numbers and work locations by specifying the fields you want on the return.


    The method has a large response body which can be seen in the documentation.

    You can see in this resource the two pieces of data you are looking for:

    phones[]: list

    A list of the user's phone numbers. The maximum allowed data size for this field is 1Kb.

    locations[]: list

    The user's locations. The maximum allowed data size for this field is 10Kb.

    You can then filter out the data you desire with sub categories, for example phones[].type or locations[].area.

    In order to retrieve, for example, phone numbers, you can filter the requeest in the same way:

    var employee = AdminDirectory.Users.get(user);
    var phones = employee.phones
    var loc = employee.locations
    Logger.log('User data:');

    Will yield a log with the following format:

    [20-11-02 12:12:28:243 CET] User data:
    [20-11-02 12:12:28:247 CET] [{type=home, value=123456789}, {value=987654321, type=mobile}]
    [20-11-02 12:12:28:250 CET] [{floorSection=Upper, floorName=Floor 12, type=desk, buildingId=5, area=cityView}]
