I was able to get the user name from the below code, is there a way to get the user's designation (or mobile number or work location?)
function getUser() {
var user = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
var employee = AdminDirectory.Users.get(user).name.fullName;
Logger.log('User data:\n%s', JSON.stringify(employee, null, 2));
Using the same AdminDirectory.Users.get()
method you can obtain phone numbers and work locations by specifying the fields you want on the return.
The method has a large response body which can be seen in the documentation.
You can see in this resource the two pieces of data you are looking for:
A list of the user's phone numbers. The maximum allowed data size for this field is 1Kb.
The user's locations. The maximum allowed data size for this field is 10Kb.
You can then filter out the data you desire with sub categories, for example phones[].type
or locations[].area
In order to retrieve, for example, phone numbers, you can filter the requeest in the same way:
var employee = AdminDirectory.Users.get(user);
var phones = employee.phones
var loc = employee.locations
Logger.log('User data:');
Will yield a log with the following format:
[20-11-02 12:12:28:243 CET] User data:
[20-11-02 12:12:28:247 CET] [{type=home, value=123456789}, {value=987654321, type=mobile}]
[20-11-02 12:12:28:250 CET] [{floorSection=Upper, floorName=Floor 12, type=desk, buildingId=5, area=cityView}]