I would like to a tagging system where I can separate the tags by the user's who created them. I followed Railscast #167 about setting up tags using virtual attributes, but that way only lets me call @post.tags to find the tags for a post, but I can't call @user.tags and find all their tags.
How could I augment this so that @user.posts.tag("music") would return all their posts with the tag music?
Thanks for an help or insight into what I'm doing wrong.
returns an array, so you could filter this pretty easily with something like this:
@user.posts.select do |post|
post.tag_names.include? "music"
You might, however, run into an issue with the records not being eagerly loaded in that situation. Something like this should take care of that:
Post.includes(:taggings => :tags).where("posts.user_id = ?", @user.id).select do |post|
post.tag_names.include? "music"