I have a response and it returns "XXX-XXX" or "XX-XXXX"
const formatUnitCode = (value, format) => {}
So basically, I want to see as formatUnitCode("123456", "XX-XXX") --> "12-3456"
I don't want to use if else because it may come in the future as XX-XX-XX
Can someone help me create this function?
I tried to do with regex but I think it is not possible to pass variable instead of {2} and {4}
const formatCode = (val) => val.replace(/(\d{2})(\d{4})/g, "$1-$2");
Is this what you would like to do?
const func = (val, first_digit) => {
let regex = new RegExp("(\\d{" + first_digit + "})(\\d{" + (6-first_digit) + "})","g");
return val.replace(regex,"$1-$2");