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Convert arguments to types expected by wrapped function

Let's say that I want that I have a generic function F taking arguments of types Args and returning R. I want to wrap this function so that it fits the form:

using gen_type = void (*)(struct value *values,
                          size_t num_args,
                          struct value *return_value)

I also have functions converting to and from a generic struct value:

template<T> T from_value(struct value);
// or have something like from_value_(struct value, int&)
// called from from_value
template<> from_value<int>(struct value);
struct value to_value(int i);

Now, can I have a function like:

template<typename F, typename ... Args>
gen_type wrap(F func) {
    return [](struct value *values,
              size_t num_args,
              struct value *return_value) {
        if (num_args != sizeof...(Args)) { /* error */ }
        auto res = func(/* apply from_value<> to each argument type */)
        *return_value = to_value(res);

The question is what should go on where the comment is.

(Side question: is there any way to avoid having to describe the argument types of F when invoking wrap?)


  • Below is an example how it could be done using Boost.Hana with func as a template argument.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <boost/hana.hpp>
    namespace hana=boost::hana;
    // sample value type
    struct value
        size_t content;
    // sample conversion functions for sample value type
    template <typename T>
    T from_value(const value& val)
        return T(val.content);
    template <>
    int from_value<int>(const value& val)
        return val.content*2;
    template <>
    float from_value<float>(const value& val)
        return val.content*3.0;
    template <typename T>
    value to_value(const T& val)
        return value{static_cast<size_t>(round(val))};
    // concatenate results of from_value to tuple
    template <typename ...>
    struct concat_values
    template <typename T>
    struct concat_values<T>
        template <typename ArrT>
        static auto apply(size_t index,const ArrT& arr)
            return hana::make_tuple(from_value<T>(arr[index]));
    template <typename T, typename ... Types>
    struct concat_values<T,Types...>
        template <typename ArrT>
        static auto apply(size_t index,const ArrT& arr)
            return hana::prepend(concat_values<Types...>::apply(index+1,arr),
    // wrap lambda
    template <typename FuncT, FuncT func, typename ... Args>
    auto wrap()
        return [](value *values,
                size_t num_args,
                value *return_value)
            if (num_args != sizeof...(Args)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid number of arguments!"); }
            auto res=hana::unpack(
            *return_value = to_value(res);
    // try it
    // sample func
    double sample_sum(size_t a, int b, float c)
        return a+b*2+c*3;
    // sample function with C-style signature that accepts wrapped function
    void sample_invoke(void (*f)(value*,size_t,value*))
        value inputs[3]={{1},{2},{3}};
        value result{0};
        std::cout<<"Result "<<result.content<<std::endl;
    // run
    int main()
        auto wrapped=wrap<decltype(&sample_sum),&sample_sum,size_t,int,float>();
        return 0;


    Result 36

    See Demo.


    Another implementation with std::index_sequence:

    // apply function
    template <typename ... Args, typename FuncT, std::size_t... Idx>
    auto apply_func(FuncT func,value* values,std::index_sequence<Idx...>)
        return func(from_value<Args>(values[Idx])...);
    // wrap lambda
    template <typename FuncT, FuncT func, typename ... Args>
    auto wrap()
        return [](value *values,
                size_t num_args,
                value *return_value)
            if (num_args != sizeof...(Args)) { throw std::runtime_error("Invalid number of arguments!"); }
            auto res=apply_func<Args...>(*func,values,std::index_sequence_for<Args...>());
            *return_value = to_value(res);

    Live Demo.