I've just started working with Vue.js and learning it through some online code snippet and tutorials. I'm trying to implement internationalization support for my vue project, but I'm getting error in web-console.
Here are my code snippets
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import router from './router/index'
function loadLocaleMessages () {
const locales = require.context('./locales', true, /[A-Za-z0-9-_,\s]+\.json$/i)
const messages = {}
locales.keys().forEach(key => {
const matched = key.match(/([A-Za-z0-9-_]+)\./i)
if (matched && matched.length > 1) {
const locale = matched[1]
messages[locale] = locales(key)
return messages
const i18n = VueI18n({
locale: process.env.VUE_APP_I18N_LOCALE || 'en',
fallbackLocale: process.env.VUE_APP_I18N_FALLBACK_LOCALE || 'en',
messages: loadLocaleMessages()
const app = createApp(App);
Here is my HelliI18n.vue file where I want to use translation
<p>{{ $t('hello') }}</p>
export default {
name: 'HelloI18n'
Following code is from my package.json file (for versions)
"dependencies": {
"core-js": "^3.6.5",
"vue": "^3.0.0",
"vue-i18n": "^8.22.1",
"vue-router": "^4.0.0-0"
"devDependencies": {
"@intlify/vue-i18n-loader": "^1.0.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-plugin-router": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/cli-service": "~4.5.0",
"@vue/compiler-sfc": "^3.0.0",
"babel-eslint": "^10.1.0",
"eslint": "^6.7.2",
"eslint-plugin-vue": "^7.0.0-0",
"vue-cli-plugin-i18n": "~1.0.1"
When I run my project, I see following error on web console
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_vm' of undefined
at VueI18n (vue-i18n.esm.js?a925:1173)
at eval (main.js?56d7:19)
at Module../src/main.js (app.js:1167)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:854)
at fn (app.js:151)
at Object.1 (app.js:1228)
at __webpack_require__ (app.js:854)
at checkDeferredModules (app.js:46)
at app.js:994
at app.js:997
Anything I'm doing wrong here ? any dependency I'm missing ? Any help would be really appreciated.
You should install vue-i18n@next
which is compatible with Vue 3:
npm install --save vue-i18n@next
or via using yarn
yarn add vue-i18n@next
Basic usage :
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import { createI18n } from "vue-i18n";
const i18n = createI18n({
legacy: false,
locale: "ja",
globalInjection: true,
messages: {
en: {
message: {
language: "English",
greeting: "Hello !"
ar: {
message: {
language: "العربية",
greeting: "السلام عليكم"
es: {
message: {
language: "Español",
greeting: "Hola !"
<select v-model="lang">
<option value="en">English</option>
<option value="ar">العربية</option>
<option value="es">Español</option>
<h2>{{ $t("message.greeting", {}, { locale: lang }) }}</h2>
export default {
data() {
return {
lang: "en",
In composition API (setup
) :
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const { t } = useI18n();
// then use it like t('message.greeting')