I have omnicppcomplete working fine except once in a while it won't complete some of the variables methods/members. I finally got annoyed enough to dig into why and I believe the reason is that omnicppcomplete does support the syntax "Foo const & foo" in function arguments.
For example, if I have a function defined as:
int foo( Bar const & b ){
I won't be able to get completion information when I later type "b.". However if I change the signature to:
int foo( const Bar & b ){
I will be able to get completion information when I type "b.". It seems to only be in function argument lists because I tried simply defining a variable within the function with the signature "Bar const & bref" and I was able to get completion information for bref.
I would be surprised if this is an actual limitation of omnicppcomplete; anyone have any thoughts on whether or not this is a bug and/or if there is a workaround for it? Changing the coding style does not seem like a reasonable solution.
Seems like a limitation in omnicppcomplete, but I pulled up the vim debugger and found it.
Open up autoload/omni/cpp/utils.vim, go to line 518, should look like this:
for token in tokens
if state==0
if token.value=='>'
let parenGroup = token.group
let state=1
elseif token.kind == 'cppWord'
let szResult = token.value.szResult
let state=2
elseif index(['*', '&'], token.value)<0 "This is line 518
And change that line to:
elseif token.value != 'const' && index(['*', '&'], token.value)<0
Or, here's the vim commands to do it =):
/index(\['\*', '&'],<CR>itoken.value != 'const' &&<ESC>:w
I'll try submitting this to the maintainer of omnicppcomplete, but it's kind of hackish, dunno if it'll get in. Might've been able to check if token.kind == 'cppKeyword', but I figured I'd err on the side of changing the least.