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Netbeans JavaEE ICEFace basic webpage

(Feel free to skip the first two paragraphs :) I know this goes against some people's programming religion, but oh well: I know nothing about building JavaEE web apps and using ICEFaces in Netbeans. However, I've been handed a website that implements this and I need to add a new page to it with basic functionality. I know the java programming language, but that's it (JavaSE). I figured I could just use the site's existing pages as a reference to creating my own very basic page. I've come to find its not that simple.

I don't really understand the concept. Connecting to existing pages from the browser ends in an example.iface extension when there's no example.iface file in the site, which I don't get, but that's okay.. The files that support the webpage end in example.jsp and Regardless, I made my own two files, myPage.jsp and, and placed them in the same location as the other existing files, and used the same code in reference to make a very basic "Hello World" webpage. I try linking to a myPage.iface like the others, and I get a blank page.

I realize I need a basic understanding of the concepts of how this all works, so I created a new project just to get a 'Hello World' webpage working. The way these projects are setup is so confusing to me and I'm looking all over google for beginner tutorials on this and I can't seem to figure it out. Can someone baby-step me through creating an .iface "Hello World" page, starting from File->New Project (>_<) I will be forever in your debt! THX


  • Baby steps: JSF @ The Java EE 6 Tutorial.

    I can take a look at your question in the comments later, but you can really just post a new question and get an answer from others on the site much sooner.