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I can't insert related table field

These are my tables:

export class Personas {

    id: number;

    nombre: string;
    @OneToMany(type => Contactos, contactos => contactos.idpersona, {cascade: true})
    contactos : Contactos[] 

export class Contactos {

  id: number;

  idpersona: number;
  @ManyToOne(type => Personas, {
  @JoinColumn({name: "idpersona"})
  persona: string;

  nombre: string;

  telefono: string;

This is the body of the query to add the records:

                "telefono": "123456789"}

This is the error: [ExceptionsHandler] Field 'idpersona' doesn't have a default value.

It is assumed that the field idPersona in Contacts, should be inserted automatically. What am I doing wrong?. From already thank you very much.


  • I leave the way I fix it, in case it helps someone in the future.

    In personas changed:

    @OneToMany(() => Contacto, (contacto) => contacto.idpersona, {
    cascade: ['insert']
    public contactos: Contacto[]`


    @OneToMany(type => Contactos, contactos => contactos.personas,{
    cascade : true,
    public contactos: Contactos[];`

    In contactos changed:

    idpersona: number;
    @ManyToOne(type => Personas, {
    @JoinColumn({name: "idpersona"})
    persona: string;`


    @ManyToOne(() => Personas, personas =>, {nullable: false})
    @JoinColumn({name: "idpersona"})
    personas: Personas;