I am new with Postman. For testing purpose, I send a GET call on openweathermap.org API and I well receive a JSON response.
The problem is that the Json response body is minified and not easily readable as show in below example.
{"coord":{"lon":2.35,"lat":48.85},"weather":[{"id":803,"main":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":286.13,"feels_like":283.45,"temp_min":285.37,"temp_max":287.04,"pressure":1011,"humidity":84},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":4.02,"deg":43,"gust":9.39},"clouds":{"all":84},"dt":1603881793,"sys":{"type":3,"id":2012208,"country":"FR","sunrise":1603866690,"sunset":1603903021},"timezone":3600,"id":2988507,"name":"Paris","cod":200}
Changing between Pretty / Raw tabs doesn't change anything, nor forcing JSON format in Pretty tab. In response headers, Content-Type : application/json is well present.
On a own developped API, the Json response body is well unminified so I don't understand what could be the issue.
Is anybody faced the same problem and found a solution ? Thanks in advance
Additionnal information : I use Postman for Web with Desktop agent. Version 7.34.1-prod201020-0443 Chrome 85 / Windows 8
I've just tested and the response JSON is well-formatted and beautified. I am using Postman desktop version v7.34.0 on Windows 10.
Created an API key for api.openweathermap.org
and I send the request like that:
testing with Paris as a city, based on your response JSON.Accept: application/json
.The response is:
"coord": {
"lon": 2.35,
"lat": 48.85
"weather": [
"id": 800,
"main": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky",
"icon": "01d"
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 289.9,
"feels_like": 287.87,
"temp_min": 289.15,
"temp_max": 290.93,
"pressure": 1017,
"humidity": 77
"visibility": 10000,
"wind": {
"speed": 4.1,
"deg": 190
"clouds": {
"all": 0
"dt": 1604152275,
"sys": {
"type": 1,
"id": 6550,
"country": "FR",
"sunrise": 1604126177,
"sunset": 1604161918
"timezone": 3600,
"id": 2988507,
"name": "Paris",
"cod": 200
If you have tried all that and the problem still persists, probably it's a bug. I've went through all Postman settings and there is nothing possible to cause the issues.
The only difference is at the time of that writing the last Postman version is: v7.34.0