Design a four-bit adder/subtractor in Verilog and display it on a seven-segment display.
The majority of my code is functioning however when I require a subtraction involving a negative it produces the wrong result.
For instance, 5 - 7 should result in 2 but I receive E
Below is my code:
module fullAdder (a0,a1,carry_in,s,carry_out);
input a0,a1,carry_in;
output s, carry_out;
assign s = (a0 ^ a1) ^ carry_in;
assign carry_out = (a0 & a1 & carry_in)|(a0 & a1 & ~carry_in)|(a0 & ~a1 & carry_in)|(~a0 & a1 & carry_in);
module Lab3(a0,a1,s,cout);
input s;
input [3:0] a0, a1;
output [3:0] cout;
wire c,d,e,f;
wire input1, input2, input3, input4;
xor(input1, s, a1[0]);
xor(input2, s, a1[1]);
xor(input3, s, a1[2]);
xor(input4, s, a1[3]);
fullAdder fa0(a0[0],input1,s,cout[0],c);
fullAdder fa1(a0[1],input2,c,cout[1],d);
fullAdder fa2(a0[2],input3,d,cout[2],e);
fullAdder fa3(a0[3],input4,e,cout[3],f);
E is the correct result here, as it is -2 in 4 bit two's complement.
The trick to go from a negative two's complement value to positive, if you haven't covered it already, is to invert and add one.
E is 1110 in binary
1110 inverted is 0001
0001 plus 1 is 0010 (2)