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How to find if a list/set is exactly within another list

My question is basically an extension of this question - How to find if a list/set is contained within another list

I have the same data, but with more exact same products -

order_id | product_id
1        | 222
1        | 555
2        | 333
2        | 222
2        | 555

I want to find the order(s) where the order has EXACTLY given product ids.

For example: If I search for 222 & 555, I should get order_id 1 as output since it only have those 2 exact product ids. And should not get order id 2 as output since it has an additional 333 product id.


  • You can still use having, but test for each product -- and for the absence of any other product:

    SELECT o.order_id
    FROM orders o
    GROUP BY o.order_id
    HAVING SUM( product_id = 222 ) > 0 AND
           SUM( product_id = 555 ) > 0 AND
           SUM( product_id NOT IN (222, 555) ) = 0 ;

    Note that this uses the MySQL shorthand, where boolean expressions are treated as numbers with 1 for true and 0 for false. The standard syntax is:

    HAVING SUM( CASE WHEN product_id = 222 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) > 0 AND
           SUM( CASE WHEN product_id = 555 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) > 0 AND
           SUM( CASE WHEN product_id NOT IN (222, 555) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) = 0 ;