Is is possible to render an input (for adding caption to images) inside the draft js and can get the data which is typed by user? I am familiar with "custom block rendering" concept and followed the instruction which is provided by But, when I wanted to write something in the input, I faced the below error:
invariant.js:40 Uncaught Invariant Violation: Unknown DraftEntity key: null.
In fact, block?.getEntityAt(0) returns null, since character list changes when I started to type.
This is the custom block renderer code:
import React from "react";
import { fromJS } from "immutable";
export const CustomBlockRenderer = (block, editorState, props) => {
if (block.getType() === "atomic") {
return {
component: Media,
editable: false,
return null;
const Image = (props) => {
if (!!props.src) {
return <img src={props.src} />;
return null;
const Media = (props) => {
const entity = props.contentState?.getEntity(props?.block?.getEntityAt(0));
const { src } = entity?.getData();
const type = entity?.getType();
let customBlock;
if (type === "image") {
customBlock = (
<figure className="custom-block__image-wrap">
<Image src={src?.url} className="custom-block__image" />
<figcaption className="custom-block__caption">{src?.caption}</figcaption>
} else {
return null;
return customBlock;
I faced with a similar issue recently. Here the simplified demo of how it can work. Pay attention that EditorBlock
component from draft-js
is used on the image caption node. You should use EditorBlock
in your custom component if you want an editable area inside the custom component.
class MyCustomBlock extends React.Component {
render() {
const imgSrc = this.props.block.get("data").src;
return (
<div className="my-custom-block">
<figure className="custom-block__image-wrap">
<img src={imgSrc} className="custom-block__image" />
<figcaption className="custom-block__caption">
<EditorBlock {...this.props} />