I am trying to display the outcome of a reset service in my Ionic react app. I am unable to use the this.setState({resetSuccess})
because I am trying to do that in a method, and this
would refer to the method's scope. (I have also mentioned the issue as comments)
Please refer to the code below:
private async handleSubmit(e: React.FormEvent,
): Promise<any> {
try {
console.log(`These are the reset params---->${JSON.stringify(Reset.resetParams)}`)
const resetService = new ResetService();
const resetResponse: ResetResponse = await resetService.reset(Reset.resetParams);
console.log(`This is the response from the API ----> ${JSON.stringify(resetResponse)}`)
if (resetResponse.status === 401) {
console.log("Authentication failed");
else if (resetResponse.status === 200) {
console.log("Password reset successfully");
const resetSuccess: boolean = true;
this.setState({ resetSuccess }) // ****How do I set this state? which is in the class's scope?
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Request failed: ${e}`);
const resetSuccess: boolean = false;
this.setState({ resetSuccess })
This is my render function:
public render() {
const { resetSuccess, errors } = this.state;
const context: FormContext = {
setValues: this.setValues,
validate: this.validate
return (
<IonPage id="login-registration-page">
<IonToolbar color="primary">
<IonTitle>Reset Password</IonTitle>
<FormContext.Provider value={context}>
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit} className="login-registration-form ion-padding">
<div className="container">
<div className="form-group">
{resetSuccess === true && ( //*****This is what I am trying to display based on the outcome
<div className="alert alert-info" role="alert">
Password reset successfull. You will be redirected shortly to the login page
{resetSuccess === false &&
<div className="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
Either the link that you have clicked on or the current password you provided is incorect. Please use the right verification link you received and input the correct password.
Binding the handleSubmit method to the class in the constructor worked.
constructor(props: any) {
const errors: Errors = {};
const values: Values = {};
this.state = {
this.currentPasswordProvided = false;
this.passwordValidated = false;
this.completeValidation = false;
this.emailAddress = '';
Reset.history = this.props.history;
this.handleSubmit=this.handleSubmit.bind(this) //<------ Binding it to the class is required because when the submit is clicked, the handler gets unmounted, and this will not be defined in the handleSubmit.