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Linking CUDA with a project added as external project from subdirectory

I am working on a fork of a project here. As you can see the main project and other dependencies are all added with ExternalProject_Add() in the outer CMakeList.txt. I want to add a simple CUDA project that I had written here, to the main iris-distro project that I have forked. Simply put, I want to be able to call funcs_cuda.cuh inside iris_demo.cpp. My desired goal is to achieve some .cpp file (similar to iris_demo.cpp) like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include "iris/iris.h"
#include "funcs_cuda.cuh"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  int m {900};
  int n {900};
  int k {900};

  ///////////// HERE 

  MatricesClass mat_class(m,n,k);

  iris::IRISProblem problem(2);
  problem.setSeedPoint(Eigen::Vector2d(0.1, 0.1));

  Eigen::MatrixXd obs(2,2);
  // Inflate a region inside a 1x1 box
  obs << 0, 1,
         0, 0;
  obs << 1, 1,
         0, 1;
  obs << 1, 0,
         1, 1;
  obs << 0, 0,
         1, 0;

  iris::IRISOptions options;
  iris::IRISRegion region = inflate_region(problem, options);

  std::cout << "C: " << region.ellipsoid.getC() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "d: " << region.ellipsoid.getD() << std::endl;

  /* Some other calculation using matrices in mat_class */ 

  return 0;

I have tried multiple ways to see if it is possible to simply add files to the project, and add CUDA as the language for iris project, however, none of my efforts came out to be useful. Can you help me to find a solution for this problem? Any help, ideas or hints would be appreciated.

I admit that I'm pretty novice in this field, but I have been struggling with this problem for DAYS. I have tried several approaches based on my own incomplete knowledge of CMake, but all of them led to a dead end. For instance, one thing that bothered me first, was the fact that I cannot simply add CUDA language to iris project here (I tried to keep the rest similar to my simple cuda project) (e.g. project(iris LANGUAGES CXX CUDA)).

Or I could not build and link the CUDA header files completely, when the files where in one of the sub-directories (e.g. iris-distro/src/cxx/). I could build them in the main (outer) directory (e.g. iris-distro/), but again I did not know how to link it with iris_demo.cpp.

My operating system is Ubuntu 16.04 and my goal is to benefit from the graphical processor on my computer to accelerate some matrix multiplications in IRIS project. I have already built and run the cuda-matmul project and I'm using CLion with gcc-5.4.0. Thus, I think it is probably due to my lack of knowledge about CMake since everything with CUDA is working.


  • After spending a few more hours, it seems that I have found some way to fix it.

    1. I copied funcs_cuda.cuh, and directory of helper functions cuda-matmul/inc into iris-distro/src/cxx.
    2. In iris-distro/CMakeLists.txt: cmake variable for CUDA root was set: set(CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR "/usr/local/cuda-8.0")
    • Also this variable was added to IRIS_CMAKE_ARGS which will be used when adding the main project using ExternalProject_Add. In other words, "-DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=${CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR}" was added to IRIS_CMAKE_ARGS list.
    1. In iris-distro/src/cxx/CMakeLists.txt, the following commands where added:
    add_library(funcs_cuda STATIC funcs_cuda.cuh )
    target_link_libraries(funcs_cuda -lcublas Eigen3::Eigen)
    target_include_directories(funcs_cuda PUBLIC $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/inc> $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/inc>)
    set_target_properties(funcs_cuda PROPERTIES CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION ON)
    set_target_properties(funcs_cuda PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CUDA)

    Moreover, the new library should be considered in install command:

    install(TARGETS iris iris_geometry iris_mosek funcs_cuda
      EXPORT iris-targets

    And finally, the executable file is to be linked with this new funcs_cuda library:

    add_executable(irisDemo iris_demo.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(irisDemo iris funcs_cuda)