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How to properly store and retrieve data using react js context api? The code, I have is not working as expected

I am learning react. I am trying to store user information after fetching the data from an api endpoint and store it in context. The problem is I have to execute the function in every webpage to access the information stored in it. I tried using useEffect in App.js to fetch the data and use it in header and sidebar, but then it works only in that file.

I have routers since I have multiple pages in my website. Are there any problems with the code which restricts the data getting stored in context and how to properly do this with routers.

These are the codes I have,


export const initialState = {
user: null,

export const actionTypes = {

const reducer = (state, action) => {
    // console.log(action);
    switch (action.type) {
        case actionTypes.SET_USER:
            return {
                user: action.user,

            return state;

export default reducer;


import React, { createContext, useContext, useReducer } from 'react';

export const StateContext = createContext();

export const StateProvider = ({ reducer, initialState, children }) => (
    <StateContext.Provider value={useReducer(reducer, initialState)}>


export const useStateValue = () => useContext(StateContext);

Below is the function which I need to call in useEffect in every page, for user information to get displayed in header and sidebar.

const [state, dispatch] = useStateValue()

const userInfo = async function userProfileInfo() {
    axiosInstance.get('accounts/data/view/').then((res) => {
        const currentUser =;
            type: actionTypes.SET_USER,
            user: currentUser,


useEffect(() => {

}, [])


const routing = (
            <StateProvider initialState={initialState} reducer={reducer}>
                <div className="body">
                        <Route exact path="/signup" component={Signup} />
                        <Route exact path="/" component={App} />
                        <Route exact path="/myprofile" component={PostMyProfile} />



const [state, dispatch] = useStateValue();

<div className="header__info">
    <Avatar src= {state.user?.display_pic} alt=""/>

Is it necessary to call this function in every page? There should be a proper way to do this I suppose.


  • You don't need to call userInfo function again and again. You have to call it at the beginning and at that time it will save the user information in the state. So you can access state values from any component as you want. Use below code to access your state

    const [state, dispatch] = useStateValue();

    I have updated your code and added it into codesandbox. Please check here