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Koa - Catch all routes that start with prefix

I was wondering how can we catch all API call of a specific route with KOA-Router. For example. I have an api designed like this :


How can I trigger the route /api/ for all calls that start with /api/ ? With expressJS you could do something like this to get all calls that start with a specific path:

app.get('/api/*', ()=>{}); 

but with KOA, the star '*' doesn't work, and I can't find something usefull inside the KOA documentation. Thank you for your help !


  • I found the answer inside the path-to-regexp github readme. Koa use this for it's path matching.

    They have an example showing how to do this :

    const regexp = pathToRegexp("/:foo/(.*)");

    So I just need to put (.*) instead of a simple *