On a desktop, media generally begins loading immediately, so you can wait until the "canplaythrough" event is fired before showing the controls, if you want to.
var button = document.getElementById('play_button');
button.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
var audio = new Audio('mySound.mp4');
audio.addEventListener('canplaythrough', ()=>{
button.innerHTML = 'Click to Play';
button.addEventListener('click', audio.play());
On mobile, at least on my iPhone, nothing is automatically loaded, therefore the canplaythrough event is never fired and my controls are never shown.
How can I ensure my media is pre-loaded into memory before showing controls for a seamless UX?
My solution was to load the media into memory with by converting it to a DataURL.
var button = document.getElementById('play_button');
button.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.addEventListener("load", ()=>{
var audio = new Audio('mySound.mp4');
button.innerHTML = 'Click to Play';
button.addEventListener('click', audio.play());