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How to define common interface in C++

I have following abstract class in C++

class Converter

        virtual void enable(void)                          = 0;
        virtual void setReferenceValue(double)             = 0;
        virtual void registerAlarmListener(AlarmListener*) = 0;
        virtual void confirmAlarm()                        = 0;
        virtual void notifyParameterChange()               = 0;
        virtual void update(void)                          = 0;


My intention was that this abstract class will be a common interface for all kinds of power electronics converters in my application. Unfortunatelly I have hit a problem how to model a situation when all kinds of power electronics converters has a set of parameters and a set of alarms but the items of those sets depend on each type of the converter. So I don't know how to fully declare the methods confirmAlarm and notifyParameterChange because I don't know how to declare type of the formal parameters. I would probably need to define some type which will model a common list of parameters and common list of alarms. Can anybody give me an advice how to do that? Thanks in advance for any ideas.


  • You can do that with polymorphism: define BaseParam and BaseAlarm classes and use vectors of pointers to them as an argument to your functions.

    Alternatively, you can use vector of std::variant