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Remove rows from data.frame according to a rule in R

In a data.frame, I would like to automatically remove a row with 'NA' on Column_E if there is another row with the same info in all the other columns, such that:

Column_A   Column_B   Column_C    Column_D      Column_E
A121       NAME1      A321        2019-01-01    NA
A121       NAME1      A321        2019-01-01    2020-02-01
A123       NAME2      A322        2019-01-01    2020-01-01
A123       NAME2      A322        2019-01-01    NA
A124       NAME3      A323        2019-01-01    2019-01-01
A124       NAME4      A324        2019-01-01    NA

The output should be:

Column_A   Column_B   Column_C   Column_D       Column_E
A121       NAME1      A321        2019-01-01    2020-02-01
A123       NAME2      A322        2019-01-01    2020-01-01
A124       NAME3      A323        2019-01-01    2019-01-01
A124       NAME4      A324        2019-01-01    NA

any ideas?


  • You could select rows where there is no NA value or there is only 1 row in the group.

    df %>%
      group_by(across(Column_A:Column_D)) %>%
      filter(! | n() == 1)
    # Column_A Column_B Column_C Column_D   Column_E  
    #  <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>      <chr>     
    #1 A121     NAME1    A321     2019-01-01 2020-02-01
    #2 A123     NAME2    A322     2019-01-01 2020-01-01
    #3 A124     NAME3    A323     2019-01-01 2019-01-01
    #4 A124     NAME4    A324     2019-01-01 NA       

    Same logic in data.table :

    df[, .SD[! | .N == 1], .(Column_A, Column_B, Column_C, Column_D)]

    and base R :

    subset(df, ave(!,Column_A, Column_B, Column_C, Column_D, 
              FUN = function(x) x | length(x) == 1))


    df <- structure(list(Column_A = c("A121", "A121", "A123", "A123", "A124", 
    "A124"), Column_B = c("NAME1", "NAME1", "NAME2", "NAME2", "NAME3", 
    "NAME4"), Column_C = c("A321", "A321", "A322", "A322", "A323", 
    "A324"), Column_D = c("2019-01-01", "2019-01-01", "2019-01-01", 
    "2019-01-01", "2019-01-01", "2019-01-01"), Column_E = c(NA, "2020-02-01", 
    "2020-01-01", NA, "2019-01-01", NA)), class = "data.frame", 
    row.names = c(NA, -6L))