I'm making a Winforms application in .Net Core to learn some basic stuff. It's a simple application where I write some text from a textbox to a file (basically like notepad).
Now I wanted to add a toolstrip with a toolstripbutton to make a new file and a toolstripbutton to save the text to the file, etc..
So I add the toolstrip from toolbox and drag it to my form1.cs[design]. Then I right click on the toolstrip and click "Insert standard items". The buttons are being added to the toolstrip.
Now my problem is I want to add a click event to the buttons but I can't double click the toolstripbuttons individually. So I have to go into the designer.cs to add the click event. For example:
this.newToolStripButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnNewFile_Click);
I just tried it with a WinForms app in .Net Framework and there I can just double click the toolstripbuttons to add an eventhandler.
Do I have to take a different approach in .Net Core? Is this not yet fully supported in .Net Core and should I just use .Net Framework for Winforms? I read that not all of the functionalities from Winforms in .Net Framework are yet supported in .Net Core, but Toolstrip should work.
Thanks in advance
As of Visual Studio 2019 16.8.0 Preview 6.0 (and also VS2019 16.7.6), double-clicking a ToolStripButton in the designer will launch code for the ToolStrip_ItemClicked event. In that event you can check the ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs.ClickedItem to see what was pressed.
private void toolStrip2_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e)
ToolStripButton tsb = (ToolStripButton)e.ClickedItem;
If you want to get to the Click event for an individual ToolStripButton, you can select it in the Properties window, click the Events button, and insert it there.