I'm trying to make use of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit inside my SharePoint spfx web part solution, and more specifically the React version (@microsoft/mgt-react).
I've managed importing the packages, and also render the control correctly.
However I am now trying to render controls based on the result from a control. Something like this:
const MyPerson = (props: MgtTemplateProps) => {
const { person } = props.dataContext;
return <Person userId={person.userPrincipalName}></Person>;
And here is the control:
<Get resource={`/groups/${this.props.groupid}/members`}>
<MyPerson template="value" />
Nothing is rendered out. Could someone help me out fixing this?
public render(): React.ReactElement<IMemberListProps> {
const LoadingPerson = (props: MgtTemplateProps) => {
return <div><Spinner size={SpinnerSize.large} label="Loading members..." /></div>;
const MemberPerson = (props: MgtTemplateProps) => {
const person = props.dataContext;
return <div className={styles.memberRow}>
<Person userId={person.userPrincipalName} view={PersonViewType.twolines} fetchImage={true} showPresence={true}
personCardInteraction={PersonCardInteraction.hover} line2Property="mail"></Person></div>;
return (
<Get resource={`/groups/${this.props.groupId.toString()}/members/microsoft.graph.user/?$count=true&$orderby=displayname`} >
<MemberPerson template="value" />
<LoadingPerson template="loading" />
The props.dataContext
doesn't have a person property but is the person object itself, try changing your MyPerson
definition to:
const MyPerson = (props: MgtTemplateProps) => {
const person = props.dataContext;
return <Person userId={person.userPrincipalName}></Person>;