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Exclude property using mvn versions:update-properties with excludesList

I'm using mvn versions:update-properties -DexcludesList=org.scalatest:scalatest* to exclude update of property scalatest.version inside pom.xml:


But after running the command scalatest.version is updated to 3.3.0-SNAP2 version which is the latest.

How to use -DexcludesList argument correctly? I followed the docs

The only workaround i found is excluding SNAP2 versions in rules.xml like below:

<ruleset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" comparisonMethod="maven" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <ignoreVersion type="regex">9.*</ignoreVersion>
        <ignoreVersion type="regex">6.1.*</ignoreVersion>
        <ignoreVersion type="regex">.*SNAP.*</ignoreVersion>

And running mvn versions:update-properties -Dmaven.version.rules=file:////tmp/rules.xml -DexcludesList=org.scalatest:scalatest*

This way scalatest is updated to 3.2.2. I'd like to ignore update of scalatest version completely.

Tried different variations: -DexcludesList=org.scalatest:scalatest:*, -DexcludesList=org.scalatest:scalatest:*:*:* to no avail.

Using version 2.1 of versions-maven-plugin, updated to latest 2.8.1 and still scalatest was updated.


  • The solution was to use -DexcludeProperties=scalatest.version argument.

    mvn versions:update-properties -DexcludeProperties=scalatest.version achieved what i needed.

    The docs