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How to concatenate 2d arrays from generator in Julia

So I'm struggling on what I think should be a pretty straightforward operation.

I understand that in Julia if I wanted to concatenate 2 2D arrays I could do this

# 10x3 Matrix
a = rand(10, 3)
b = rand(10, 3)
c = rand(10, 3)

# 30x3 Matrix
c = [a ; b; c]

# 30x3 Matrix
d = vcat(a,b,c)

But I don't know how to generalize this to a generator format What I want to do is this :

multi_2d = [rand(10,3) for _ in 1:3]
matrix = vcat(multi_2d)

But I am left with a 3 element array that I can't seem to reshape.

Would love any guidance on this


  • You can use the splat operator ... to apply the function vcat to the sequence of arrays in multi_2d:
