I have content in markdown files (generated in netlify cms) that looks like this:
I'm not sure if the syntax highlighter in vs code is treating the values of startTime
and endTime
or if this is something with markdown itself or the way it is being created in netlify cms.
But either way graphQL seems to read one as a number and the other as a string:
I tried to create type definitions in gatsby-node.js
as follows but when I check the console output I see that it is too late and it is been given the values 1200 and 1080 instead of 18:00 and 20:00
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions, schema }) => {
const { createTypes } = actions
const typeDefs = [
name: 'MarkdownRemark',
fields: {
frontmatter: 'Frontmatter!'
interfaces: ['Node'],
extensions: {
infer: true,
name: 'Frontmatter',
fields: {
startTime: {
type: 'String!',
resolve(parent) {
return `${parent.startTime}`;
endTime: {
type: 'String!',
resolve(parent) {
return `${parent.endTime}`;
Is there some way I can specify in Netlify's config.yml not to treat this field as a number? Or am I looking in the wrong place?
This is how I declare the fields in config.yml:
- { label: "Start Time", name: startTime, widget: string}
- { label: "End Time", name: endTime, widget: string}
But now when I look in github I see some very strange results:
In your config.yml
use the datetime
widget and the format options provided by Netlify:
- { name: startTime, label: "Start Time", widget: datetime, date_format: MM/DD/YYYY, time_format: false, format: L }
- { name: endTime, label: "EndTime", widget: datetime, date_format: MM/DD/YYYY, time_format: false, format: L },
Change your date_format(MM/DD/YYYY)
for any desired format.
Keep in mind that Netlify datetime
widget uses momentjs
, check their format options to get one that fits you.