I know this is a frequent topic, but I couldn't find a straight-forward answer for my case. I just started with Jenkins, so I need help to achieve the setup described below.
I have:
I want to achieve the following behavior on Jenkins:
I've set up my #QAjob, it pulls my tests code from GIT and executes the tests correctly. So I just need to set up these triggers when the job will get executed. I figured out that there are webhooks on BITBUCKET and APP CENTER that can ping a job when the push was done, but I don't know how to use it to accomplish the described setup.
Actually, I found the answer by myself and would like to share it in case somebody else got stuck with a similar case.
Solution is Jenkins plugin - generic-webhook-trigger
Detailed instructions can be found here - Jenkins – How to build a specific branch on Bitbucket
Instructions for BitBucket can be used for AppCenter as well, there are just differences in JSON path expressions for variables.
If somebody needs help, feel free to add a comment.