Objective: Create a data frame where:
This is what my data currently looks like:
myData <- structure(list(site_no = c(1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370, 1362370), parm_cd = c(602L, 610L, 613L, 618L, 71845L, 71856L, 602L, 610L, 618L, 71845L), result_va = c(0.601, 0.028, 0.028, 0.728, 0.036, 0.092, 0.68, 0.028, 0.705, 0.036), startDateTime = c("2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:46:00", "2006-11-01 10:47:00", "2006-11-01 10:47:00", "2006-11-01 10:47:00", "2006-11-01 10:47:00")), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")
This is what I would like the data to look like:
A base R option is using reshape
, which transforms the data frame from long to wide
direction = "wide",
idvar = c("site_no","startDateTime"),
timevar = "parm_cd"
site_no startDateTime result_va.602 result_va.610 result_va.613
1 1362370 2006-11-01 10:46:00 0.601 0.028 0.028
7 1362370 2006-11-01 10:47:00 0.680 0.028 NA
result_va.618 result_va.71845 result_va.71856
1 0.728 0.036 0.092
7 0.705 0.036 NA