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Date range Parameters in SSRS. Passing same date value to @StartDate and @EndDate is not returning any data

SSRS Report having Data Range Parameters StartDate and EndDate pointing to DateTime column which is in format 2020-07-05 08:00:00.287

When I select Same Date say 10/05/2020 in StartDate and EndDate expecting record for that single daye but it's not returning/displaying any data. where as I check and see there's data available in the table.

Current Query: Select * from Table1 Where [DateTime]>=@StartDate AND [DateTime]<=EndDate

Also tried BETWEEN and (CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),DateTime,101), didn't work.

I want to use StartDate and EndDate as date range parameters and if I select same date(Single date) for both the Parameters it should return data from that Date. Appreciate any leads on resolving this issue.


  • Use the DATEADD Function to Increment by 1 Day and Then Compare

    In this scenario where the underlying data in the transactional date column is a DATETIME value, I would just increment the parameter by 1 and create a less than condition as follows:

        DECLARE @StartDate AS DATE
        DECLARE @EndDate AS DATE
        SET @StartDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
        SET @EndDate = CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE)
            1 = 1
        AND transactional_dt >= @StartDate
        AND transactional_dt  < DATEADD(d,1,@EndDate );