I have 2 collection types in my Strapi setup: product
and review
where a product has many reviews.
I want to add 2 new fields to the response of /products
and /products/:id
averageRaing: number
totalReviews: number
I want to override the default find
service to implement this, but I am unable to find the source code for strapi.query("product").find(params, populate)
to override it.
If possible, I need this done in a single query rather than making multiple queries.
So far I have:
find(params, populate) {
return strapi.query("product").model.query(db => {
// I want the same query as when I run `strapi.query("product").find(params, populate)`
But I am unsure of how to handle the params
and populate
in the exact same way that .find(params, populate)
After digging into the source code, I found a solution:
const { convertRestQueryParams, buildQuery } = require("strapi-utils");
function find(params, populate) {
const model = strapi.query("product").model;
const filters = convertRestQueryParams(params);
const query = buildQuery({ model, filters });
return model
.query((qb) => {
const totalReviewsQuery = strapi.connections
.where("product", strapi.connections.default.ref("products.id"))
const averageRatingQuery = strapi.connections
.where("product", strapi.connections.default.ref("products.id"))
qb.column("*", totalReviewsQuery, averageRatingQuery);
withRelated: populate,
publicationState: filters.publicationState,
.then((results) => results.toJSON());