How can I check particular field value in my custom excepiton using assertJ?
Here is exception class:
public class SomeException extends RuntimeException {
private final Set<Integer> something;
public SomeException (String message, Set<Integer> something) {
this.something = something;
public Set<Integer> getSomething() {
return something;
Here is my test:
assertThatThrownBy(() -> service.doSomething())
.hasMessageStartingWith("SomeException has 1,2,3,4 in something field. I want assert that")
. ??? check that SomeException.getSomething() has 1,2,3,4 ???
The problem is that if I chain extracting() it will think I'm using Throwable. So I can't extract field something
SomeException throwable = (SomeException) catchThrowable(() -> service.doSomething(
.hasMessageStartingWith("extracting() bellow still think we're working with Throwable")
.extracting(SomeException::getSomething <<<--- doesn't work here)
I have tried following, as suggested bellow:
.hasMessageStartingWith("Works except containsExactlyInAnyOrder()")
.->>>containsExactlyInAnyOrder<<<--- Not working!!!
But I can't use containsExactlyInAnyOrder() anymore :(
Please advise
There are quite a few variations on extracting
, the one you want to use is extracting(String)
, ex:
assertThatThrownBy(() -> service.doSomething())
.hasMessageStartingWith("SomeException ... ")
Use extracting(String, InstanceOfAssertFactory)
to get specialized assertions, so if the value is a collection you can try:
assertThatThrownBy(() -> service.doSomething())
.hasMessageStartingWith("SomeException ... ")
.extracting("something", InstanceOfAssertFactories.ITERABLE)
You can also try: hasFieldOrPropertyWithValue
Update: working example
SomeException throwable = new SomeException("foo", Sets.newSet(1, 2, 3, 4));
.extracting("something", InstanceOfAssertFactories.ITERABLE)
.containsExactly(1, 2, 3, 4);