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android - how to get location of sytem audio

right now, I'm avoiding loading system audio for the devices and emulator I have by hardcoding them in SQLite NOT LIKE ... statements while querying the ContentResolver, but, what I have found that the location for the storage of sytem audio(like alarm tones and all the audio factory loaded) doesn't have a standard location in all android device.

So, to avoid loading all system audio, I need a way to fetch the directory where these audio are located, so far, I have gathered a data of these locations where the sytem audio might be:


but, since these might not be adequate, is there a way to fetch the directory path where the system audio is located in android?


  • Query audio files with MediaStore , then filter audio files with AudioColumns , and more specific for alarm sounds use IS_ALARM.

    As you say :

    I have found that the location for the storage of sytem audio doesn't have a standard location in all android device.

    MediaStore is a database which holds references of the files and it is a solution to query files in different system storage locations.