I have a domain class Coach
which has a has many relationship to another domain class CoachProperty
Hibernate/Grails is creating a third joined table in the database.
In the example below I am trying to fetch the coaches which both have foo AND bar for their text value. I have tried different solutions with 'or' and 'and' in Grails which either returns an empty list or a list with BOTH foo and bar.
class Coach {
static hasMany = [ coachProperties : CoachProperty ]
class CoachProperty {
String text
boolean active = true
static constraints = {
text(unique: true, nullable: false, blank: false)
Joined table which is being auto-created and I populated with some data, in this example I am trying to fetch coach 372 since that coach has both 1 and 2 i.e foo and bar:
| coach_coach_properties_id | coach_property_id |
| 150 | 2 |
| 372 | 1 |
| 372 | 2 |
| 40 | 3 |
Inside Coach.createCriteria().list()
among with other filters. This should return coach 372 but return empty:
def tempList = ["foo", "bar"]
for(String temp: tempList){
and {
log.info "temp = " + temp
I had to create a workaround with executeQuery where ids is the list containing the id's of the coachproperties i was trying to fetch.
def coaches = Coach.executeQuery '''
select coach from Coach as coach
join coach.coachProperties as props
where props.id in :ids
group by coach
having count(coach) = :count''', [ids: ids.collect { it.toLong()
}, count: ids.size().toLong()]
eq("id", it.id)