I am working on a WordPress site, where there is a Job section. Where a user can apply for a job, that is why I have created a Contact Form
to receive the application with Applicant's Name, email, address & CV's.
Now When an applicant clicks to apply for a Job advert
it takes them to a Contact Form
Example site - https://www.inext.se/job/solution-architect/
Application Contact Form - https://www.inext.se/job-apply-form/?id=6770
Now I am trying to get is the Job/Position Title
as the Subject of Contact Form
So right now I am receiving the Applicant name as a Subject, But instead of this, I want to use the Title
of the Job as a Subject.
Which can be found in the class="info_item"
<p> Solution Architect</p>
as the form message section. As an example- here the title is Solution Architect
which means the form subject also should be the same.
I have searched almost everywhere and almost everything and I didn't find any solution how I can fetch that Information into the form message
Do anyone knows any solution how I can use that class Info as the Subject of the form message
section of the Contact Form
Try with this code -
Put below code in your function.php file
function form_title_function(){
if (isset($_GET["id"])) {
$post_id = $_GET['id'];
$title = get_the_title($post_id);
echo "<h2>".$title."</h2>";
add_shortcode('form_title', 'form_title_function');
And use the below shortcode to the contact form subject