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What Loss Or Reward Is Backpropagated In Policy Gradients For Reinforcement Learning?

I have made a small script in Python to solve various Gym environments with policy gradients.

import gym, os
import numpy as np
#create environment
env = gym.make('Cartpole-v0')
s_size = len(env.reset())
a_size = 2

#import my neural network code
os.chdir(r'C:\---\---\---\Python Code')
import RLPolicy
policy = RLPolicy.NeuralNetwork([s_size,a_size],learning_rate=0.000001,['softmax']) #a 3layer network might be ([s_size, 5, a_size],learning_rate=1,['tanh','softmax'])
#it supports the sigmoid activation function also

DISCOUNT = 0.95 #parameter for discounting future rewards

#first step
action = policy.feedforward(env.reset)
state,reward,done,info = env.step(action)

for t in range(3000):
    done = False
    states = [] #lists for recording episode
    probs2 = []
    rewards = []
    while not done:
        #env.render() #to visualize learning

        probs = policy.feedforward(state)[-1] #calculate probabilities of actions
        action = np.random.choice(a_size,p=probs) #choose action from probs

        #record and update state
        state,reward,done,info = env.step(action)
        rewards.append(reward) #should reward be before updating state?

    #calculate gradients
    gradients_w = []
    gradients_b = []
    for i in range(len((rewards))):
        totalReward = sum([rewards[t]*DISCOUNT**t for t in range(len(rewards[i:]))]) #discounted reward
        ## !! this is the line that I need help with
        gradient = policy.backpropagation(states[i],totalReward*(probs2[i])) #what should be backpropagated through the network
        ## !!

        ##record gradients
    #combine gradients and update the weights and biases
    gradients_w = np.array(gradients_w,object)
    gradients_b = np.array(gradients_b,object)
    policy.weights += policy.learning_rate * np.flip(np.sum(gradients_w,0),0) #np.flip because the gradients are calculated backwards
    policy.biases += policy.learning_rate * np.flip(np.sum(gradients_b,0),0)
    #reset and record
    if t%100==0:

What should be passed backwards to calculate the gradients? I am using gradient ascent but I could switch it to descent. Some people have defined the reward function as totalReward*log(probabilities). Would that make the score derivative totalReward*(1/probs) or log(probs) or something else? Do you use a cost function like cross entropy? I have tried

probs = np.zeros(a_size)  
probs[action] = 1  

and a couple others. The last one is the only one that was able to solve any of them and it only worked on Cartpole. I have tested the various loss or score functions for thousands of episodes with gradient ascent and descent on Cartpole, Pendulum, and MountainCar. Sometimes it will improve a small amount but it will never solve it. What am I doing wrong?

And here is the RLPolicy code. It is not well written or pseudo coded but I don't think it is the problem because I checked it with gradient checking several times. But it would be helpful even if I could narrow it down to a problem with the neural network or somewhere else in my code.

#Neural Network
import numpy as np
import random, math, time, os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def activation(x,function):
    if function=='sigmoid':
        return(1/(1+math.e**(-x))) #Sigmoid
    if function=='relu':
    if function=='tanh':
        return(np.tanh(x.astype(float))) #tanh
    if function=='softmax':
        z = np.exp(np.array((x-max(x)),float))
        y = np.sum(z)
def activationDerivative(x,function):
    if function=='sigmoid':
    if function=='relu':
    if function=='tanh':
    if function=='softmax':
        s = x.reshape(-1,1)
        return(np.diagflat(s) -, s.T))

class NeuralNetwork():
    def __init__ (self,layers,learning_rate,momentum,regularization,activations):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate   
        if (isinstance(layers[1],list)):
            h = layers[1][:]
            del layers[1]
            for i in h:
        self.layers = layers
        self.weights = [2*np.random.rand(self.layers[i]*self.layers[i+1])-1 for i in range(len(self.layers)-1)]
        self.biases = [2*np.random.rand(self.layers[i+1])-1 for i in range(len(self.layers)-1)]    
        self.weights = np.array(self.weights,object)
        self.biases = np.array(self.biases,object)
        self.activations = activations
    def feedforward(self, input_array):
        layer = input_array
        neuron_outputs = [layer]
        for i in range(len(self.layers)-1):
            layer = np.tile(layer,self.layers[i+1])
            layer = np.reshape(layer,[self.layers[i+1],self.layers[i]])
            weights = np.reshape(self.weights[i],[self.layers[i+1],self.layers[i]])
            layer = weights*layer
            layer = np.sum(layer,1)#,self.layers[i+1]-1)
            layer = layer+self.biases[i]
            layer = activation(layer,self.activations[i])
    def neuronErrors(self,l,neurons,layerError,n_os):
        if (l==len(self.layers)-2):
        totalErr = [] #total error
        for e in range(len(layerError)): #-layers
            e = e*self.layers[l+2]
            a_ws = self.weights[l+1][e:e+self.layers[l+1]]
            e = int(e/self.layers[l+2])
            err = layerError[e]*a_ws #error
    def backpropagation(self,state,loss):
        weights_gradient = [np.zeros(self.layers[i]*self.layers[i+1]) for i in range(len(self.layers)-1)]
        biases_gradient = [np.zeros(self.layers[i+1]) for i in range(len(self.layers)-1)]  
        neuron_outputs = self.feedforward(state)
        grad = self.individualBackpropagation(loss, neuron_outputs)

    def individualBackpropagation(self, difference, neuron_outputs): #number of output
        lr = self.learning_rate
        n_os = neuron_outputs[:]
        w_o = self.weights[:]
        b_o = self.biases[:]
        w_n = self.weights[:]
        b_n = self.biases[:]
        gradient_w = []
        gradient_b = []
        error = difference[:] #error for neurons
        for l in range(len(self.layers)-2,-1,-1):
            p_n = np.tile(n_os[l],self.layers[l+1]) #previous neuron
            neurons = np.arange(self.layers[l+1])
            error = (self.neuronErrors(l,neurons,error,n_os))
            if not self.activations[l]=='softmax':
                error = error*activationDerivative(neuron_outputs[l+1],self.activations[l])
                error = error @ activationDerivative(neuron_outputs[l+1],self.activations[l]) #because softmax derivative returns different dimensions
            w_grad = np.repeat(error,self.layers[l]) #weights gradient
            b_grad = np.ravel(error) #biases gradient
            w_grad = w_grad*p_n
            b_grad = b_grad

Thanks for any answers, this is my first question here.


  • mprouveur's answer was half correct but I felt that I needed to explain the right thing to backpropagate. The answer to my question on was how I came to understand this. The correct error to backpropagate is the log probability of taking the action multiplied by the goal reward. This can also be calculated as the cross entropy loss between the outputted probabilities and an array of zeros with the action that was taken being one 1. Because of the derivative of cross entropy loss, this will have the effect of pushing only the probability of the action that was taken closer to one. Then, the multiplication of the total reward makes better actions get pushed more to a higher probability. So, with the label being a one-hot encoded vector, the correct equation is label/probs * totalReward because that is the derivative of cross entropy loss and the derivative of the log of probs. I got this working in other code, but even with this equation I think something else in my code is wrong. It probably has something to do with how I made the softmax derivative too complicated instead of calculating the usual way, by combing the cross entropy derivative and softmax derivative. I will update this answer soon with correct code and more information.