I've added to my Reactjs app the Google Address autocomplete feature. It works fine but I realised that for instance if I restrict my API key the input becomes grey and no input at all can be added. Without that input the app won't work at all therefore I was looking for a condition to check if the api key is working or not but I couldn't find anything so far.
const googleUrl = `https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=${process.env.REACT_APP_GOOGLE_API_KEY}&libraries=places`;
{googleUrl && <Script url={googleUrl} onLoad={handleScriptLoad} />}
placeholder="Where do you want to eat?"
For the full code https://github.com/mugg84/RestaurantFinder.git in DisplaySearchBar.js you can find the above mentioned input.
Thanks for your help!
If you want to listen to authentication failures you need to use gm_authFailure()
Its documentation is at the bottom of this page:
In my component I've added this lines and the input doesn't get disabled anymore
// If google API authentication problem
window.gm_authFailure = () => {
document.getElementById('autocomplete').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('autocomplete').placeholder =
'Where do you want to eat?';
document.getElementById('autocomplete').style.backgroundImage = '';
document.getElementById('autocomplete').style.paddingLeft = '1rem';