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Jenkins Pipeline ssh steps sshPut all of a file type

I'm trying move all of a particular file type to another server using SSH Steps. I'm specifically trying to use the sshPut to move over all .txt files. Here is the line I'm using:

sshPut remote: remote, from: "*.txt", into: "/the/destination/folder/"

and here is the error Jenkins is throwing:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: /the/source/folder/*.txt does not exist.

I know that I have the sshsteps setup correctly. I've been able to push a single file and run some commands on the remote server. Can sshPut even handle a wildcard? I'm trying to avoid zipping everything up and doing the unzip on the remote server, if possible, but if that's what needs to happen, that's what needs to happen. I also have strict instructions to not use ssh keys, so scp is out of the question at the moment.

Update: based on susenj's advice I change my line to:

sshPut remote: remote, from: "./", filterRegex: /\.txt$/, into: "/the/destination/folder/"

and that worked.


  • The regex for sshPut works with the Groovy Syntax. Please refer to :

    What you can try is: sshPut remote: remote, from: "./", filterRegex: /.txt$/, into: "/the/destination/folder/"