I'm building a simple obstacle game and the problem I'm having right now is that I can use the arrow keys to move left and right, but not up and down. I don't get why up and down don't work when they have the same logic as left and right. I'm fairly new to developing things on my own so go easy on me if it's obvious. :)
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Grab the elements from the HTML
const floppy = document.getElementById("floppyDisk");
const gameBoard = document.querySelector(".gameBoard");
let userScore = document.getElementById("userScore");
let highscore = document.getElementById("highscore");
// Set up variables to be used later
let floppyPosX = 0;
let floppyPosY = 0;
let left = 20;
let top = 190;
// Use the arrows to move the floppy disk
function moveFloppy(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 39) {
left += 2;
floppy.style.left = floppyPosX + left + "px";
if(e.keyCode == 37) {
left -= 2;
floppy.style.left = floppyPosX + left + "px";
if(e.keycode == 38) {
top += 2;
floppy.style.top = floppyPosY + top + "px";
if(e.keycode == 40) {
top -= 2;
floppy.style.top = floppyPosY + top + "px";
// Invoke the moveFloppy function
document.onkeydown = moveFloppy;
// Generate Obstacles
// Function to move the obstacles
// Set function to repeat
// Call the function to generate the obstacles
Your problem is because you're using the deprecated (and ill-defined) KeyboardEvent.keyCode
property instead of the standardised code
Change your JavaScript to this and it should work:
statements to a single switch
as it has fallthrough unless you use break
.function moveFloppy(e) {
switch(e.code) {
case 'ArrowLeft':
left += 2;
floppy.style.left = floppyPosX + left + "px";
case 'ArrowRight':
left -= 2;
floppy.style.left = floppyPosX + left + "px";
case 'ArrowUp':
top += 2;
floppy.style.top = floppyPosY + top+ "px";
case 'ArrowDown':
top -= 2;
floppy.style.top = floppyPosY + top + "px";
// TODO: Play a fart sound.
document.addEventListener( 'keydown', moveFloppy );