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Flutter/Firebase realtime database - handle network errors

Firebase realtime database plugin:

My code to get values from database:

DataSnapshot d = await database.reference().child("my/child/node").once();
Map map = d.value;
String val1 = map["val1"];
String val2 = map["val2"];
String val3 = map["val3"];

It works. However, when there's no network connection, it waits endlessly. I want to catch error (unable to connect to database). Ho do I do that? Try/catch does not work, becasue no exception thrown, it just waits. I want to be informed about database connection error. Is it possible?


  • You could use a timout like this:

     if (await database
        .timeout(Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () {
    print('Spent 5 seconds and no connection');
    }).isNotEmpty) {
    print('Connected successfully');
    Map map = d.value;
    String val1 = map["val1"];
    String val2 = map["val2"];
    String val3 = map["val3"];

    But you should test it first because i didn't test isNotEmpty function in that case, you should test it and see what dose the line code

    await database

    gives you on successful connection and make the "if" condition as it should. i.e:

      if (await http.get("")
        .timeout(Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () {
    print('Spent 5 seconds and no connection');
    })==200) {
    print('Connected successfully');}

    Or you can check for an internet connection before calling the database line. You could use something like this.

       import 'dart:io';
    try {
    final result = await InternetAddress.lookup('');
    if (result.isNotEmpty && result[0].rawAddress.isNotEmpty) {
      DataSnapshot d = await database.reference().child("my/child/node").once();
      Map map = d.value;
      String val1 = map["val1"];
      String val2 = map["val2"];
      String val3 = map["val3"];    }
    } on SocketException catch (_) {
    print('not connected');