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D3.js force-directed graph with dynamically offset arrows?

I have a force-directed graph in D3.js where the node radius is proportional to a property of that data (e.g., pageviews) and the link width is proportional to a property of the linking data (e.g., clicks). I would like to give the link curve an indicator of its direction. The problem is that the links travel to the center of the data node, so if I use marker-end, I get:

SVG image showing arrows pointing to center of data node, where they will be invisible

(Data nodes are normally filled with a color linked to another data category...)

I create my ~~arcs~~ curves using:

positionLink = (d) => {
    const offset = 100;
    const midpoint_x = (d.source.x + / 2;
    const midpoint_y = (d.source.y + / 2;
    const dx = d.source.x -;
    const dy = d.source.y -;
    // Perpendicular vector 
    const nx = -dy;
    const ny = dx;
    const norm_length = Math.sqrt((nx*nx)+(ny*ny));
    const normx = nx / norm_length;
    const normy = ny / norm_length;
    const offset_x = parseFloat(midpoint_x + offset * normx.toFixed(2));
    const offset_y = parseFloat(midpoint_y + offset * normy.toFixed(2));
    const arc = `M ${d.source.x.toFixed(2)} ${d.source.y.toFixed(2)} S ${offset_x} ${offset_y} ${} ${}`;

    return arc;

What my code calls arc is an SVG "S" path, which is a "Smooth curveto" but I'm not wed to that in particular: I just need to pull the arcs apart from each other so that I can show the difference between data in one direction and in the other.

How can I locate the intersection of the Bezier curve with the circle?

(Since the target of the curve is the center of the circle, I suppose this could be rephrased as "The value of the Bezier curve at distance r from its ending point")

If I had that one point, I could make it the apex of an arrowhead.

(Even better would be if I had the slope of the Bezier at that point so I could really align it, but I think I can get away with just aligning it to the line between the midpoint and the anchor...)


  • Consider the following iterative method:

    Using path.getPointAtLength, you can traverse the path until you find a point that is exactly r from the centre of the circle, and then redraw the path using those coordinates instead.

    const data = [{
      x: 50,
      y: 100,
      r: 20
    }, {
      x: 100,
      y: 30,
      r: 5
    const links = [{
        source: data[0],
        target: data[1]
        source: data[1],
        target: data[0]
    positionLink = (source, target) => {
      const offsetPx = 100;
      const midpoint = {
        x: (source.x + target.x) / 2,
        y: (source.y + target.y) / 2
      const dx = source.x - target.x;
      const dy = source.y - target.y;
      // Perpendicular vector 
      const nx = -dy;
      const ny = dx;
      const norm_length = Math.sqrt((nx * nx) + (ny * ny));
      const normx = nx / norm_length;
      const normy = ny / norm_length;
      const offset = {
        x: parseFloat(midpoint.x + offsetPx * normx.toFixed(2)),
        y: parseFloat(midpoint.y + offsetPx * normy.toFixed(2)),
      const arc = `M ${source.x.toFixed(2)} ${source.y.toFixed(2)} S ${offset.x} ${offset.y} ${target.x.toFixed(2)} ${target.y.toFixed(2)}`;
      return arc;
    euclidean = (point, other) => Math.sqrt(point.x * other.x + point.y * other.y);
    findPointAtLength = (path, point, fromEnd) => {
      // For the target we need to start at the other side of the path
      let offset = point.r;
      if (fromEnd) {
        const totalLength = path.getTotalLength();
        offset = totalLength - offset;
      let current = path.getPointAtLength(offset);
      // Gradually increase the offset until we're exactly 
      // `r` away from the circle centre
      while (euclidean(point, current) < point.r) {
        offset += 1;
        current = path.getPointAtLength(offset);
      return {
        x: current.x,
        y: current.y
    // Use function because we want access to `this`,
    // which points to the current path HTMLElement
    positionLinkAtEdges = function(d) {
      // First, place the path in the old way"d", positionLink(d.source,;
      // Then, position the path away from the source
      const source = findPointAtLength(this, d.source, false);
      const target = findPointAtLength(this,, true);
      return positionLink(source, target);
    const svg ="svg").append("g");
      .attr("cx", d => d.x)
      .attr("cy", d => d.y)
      .attr("r", d => d.r);
      .attr("d", positionLinkAtEdges)
      .attr("marker-end", "url(#triangle)");
    g circle,
    g path {
      fill: none;
      stroke: black;
    <script src=""></script>
        <marker id="triangle" viewBox="0 0 10 10"
              refX="10" refY="5" 
              markerWidth="10" markerHeight="10"
          <path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" fill="#f00"/>