I'm working on AS400. I'm completely new on this tool.
When I launch the IBM tool interface I can click on a link to launch an other window that allows me to execute SQL scripts.
Then I can to execute 1 command and then a SQL request.
The first command (according to what I understood) allows me to filter the data while the second command is a basic SQL request.
I want to be able to execute this 2 commands but in command line with the jar directly.
I tried to do as below :
java -jar /Applications/IBMiAccess/acsbundle.jar /plugin=rmtcmd /cmd="call myLib/myProg '20200706 20200708 10047'" /system=my.ip.address
java -jar /Applications/IBMiAccess/acsbundle.jar /plugin=cldownload /system=my.ip.address /clientfile=/Users/MYUSERNAME/Downloads/test.xlsx /sql="SELECT * FROM MYDB.MYTABLE" /userid=MYUSERID
The first command says : the program has been executed correctly but when I try to download the result (with the second command) it's not the one expected... Worse I can even execute the program without any param and it says the program is executed normally. When I open my file it's only give me the data from the current day :/
So if anyone can help me with this that'll be greatly appreciated ! Thanks a lot :)
I found 2 solutions :
The first one is using the plugin rss.. If nobody can help you understand what is the previous lib / prog exactly do then you can something like :
for indexArray in "${!ips[@]}"
java -jar $pathIBM/acsbundle.jar /system="${ips[$indexArray]}" /plugin=logon /USERID=${USERNAME} /PASSWORD=${PASSWORD}
java -jar $pathIBM/acsbundle.jar /system=${ips[$indexArray]} /plugin=rss /sql="CALL MY_LIB.MY_PROG(${date28DaysAgos}, ${todayDate},${store})" /autorun=1 &
sleep 30
kill -9 $pid
java -jar $pathIBM/acsbundle.jar /plugin=cldownload /system="${ips[$indexArray]}" /clientfile="${nameFile}" /sql="SELECT * FROM MYDB.MYTABLE" /userid=${USERNAME}
Basically, this solutions allows you to use the rss plugin. Depending of the time of execution of your lib (CALL MYPROG.MYLIB
you should increase the sleep
time before killing the process.
Next solution, cleaner of course, will be to have a nice SQL request where you know what you need and then :
for indexArray in "${!ips[@]}"
java -jar $pathIBM/acsbundle.jar /system="${ips[$indexArray]}" /plugin=logon /USERID=${USERNAME} /PASSWORD=${PASSWORD}
java -jar $pathIBM/acsbundle.jar /plugin=cldownload /system="${ips[$indexArray]}" /clientfile="${nameFile}" /sql="${sql}" /userid=${USERNAME}