hi in MySQL i want to put two (unique) fields in two different table, in my example i have three table, login table, prof and user. I want the field (id_user) and the field (id_prof) not to be repeated to insert them also after (unique) in the login table in the field (num) e.g: id_user 1, 3, 6 ... id_prof: 2, 4, 5, 7 ... num: 1 ,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7...
This is the version with two Triggers.
But it can happen, that concurrent entries will have not unique numbers, also on heavy duty servers this also fails.
So you have to take login id unique and catch when the insert fails and then try to get anew id
CREATE TABLE prof(id BIGINT, name varchar(10));
CREATE TABLE user(id BIGINT, name varchar(10))
CREATE TABLE login(id BIGINT, name varchar(10))
CREATE TRIGGER before_prof_insert BEFORE INSERT ON prof FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE prof_ BIGINT; DECLARE user_ BIGINT; DECLARE res_ BIGINT; SELECT MAX(id) into prof_ FROm prof; SELECT MAX(id) into user_ FROm user; IF user_ IS NULL AND @prof IS NULL THEN SET res_ := 1; ELSE IF user_ > prof_ THEN SET res_ := user_ + 1; ELSE SET res_ := prof_ + 1; END IF; END if; SET NEW.id = res_; INSERT INTO login VALUES (res_,NEW.name); END
CREATE TRIGGER before_user_insert BEFORE INSERT ON user FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE prof_ BIGINT; DECLARE user_ BIGINT; DECLARE res_ BIGINT; SELECT MAX(id) into prof_ FROm prof; SELECT MAX(id) into user_ FROm user; IF user_ IS NULL AND prof_ IS NULL THEN SET res_ := 1; ELSE IF user_ > prof_ THEN SET res_ := user_ + 1; ELSE SET res_ := prof_ + 1; END IF; END if; SET NEW.id = res_; INSERT INTO login VALUES (res_,NEW.name); END
INSERT INTO prof VALUES (0,'profa');)
INSERT INTO user VALUES (0,'usera');
INSERT INTO prof VALUES (0,'profb');
INSERT INTO prof VALUES (0,'profc');
INSERT INTO user VALUES (0,'userb');
INSERT INTO prof VALUES (0,'profd');
id | name -: | :---- 1 | profa 3 | profb 4 | profc 6 | profd
id | name -: | :---- 2 | usera 5 | userb
SELECT * FROM login;
id | name -: | :---- 1 | profa 2 | usera 3 | profb 4 | profc 5 | userb 6 | profd
db<>fiddle here
Much easier it would be
INSERT INTO user VALUES (uuidv4(),'usera');
INSERT INTO prof VALUES (uuidv4(),'profa');
This would guarantee that the ids are unique for every table.