I have 2 MYSQL tables: durations and tasks.
CREATE TABLE `durations` (
`task_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`seconds` int(11) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE `tasks` (
`id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`task_type` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`const` int(11) NOT NULL,
`timestamp` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL,
`tempCol` int(11) NOT NULL,
task_type seconds
type1 3
type2 5
id task_type const timestamp status tempCol
1 type1 1 10 0 0
2 type1 2 3 0 0
3 type1 3 12 0 0
4 type1 4 5 0 0
I have a total time value: e.g 15 seconds. Starting from this value, I have to update the status of each row only if total_time - tasks.const*durations.seconds is > 0. If the update is done in a row, total_time decreases in tasks.const*durations.seconds to use in the next row. I have run the following query:
SET @tempVariable = 15;
UPDATE tasks
INNER JOIN durations ON tasks.task_type=durations.task_type
SET status=1, tasks.tempCol = (@tempVariable:[email protected]*durations.seconds)
WHERE @tempVariable-tasks.const*durations.seconds > 0
ORDER BY tasks.timestamp ASC
I have created tempCol so that @tempVariable could be updated in each row. This query doesn't work due to Incorrect usage of UPDATE and ORDER BY. If I omit the order by clause, the query works fine, however, I need to update values ORDER by timestamp ASC.
Any suggestions to fix the query?
Edited. My final query based on GMB solution is:
SET @tempVariable = 15;
update tasks t
inner join (
select t.id, (t.const * d.seconds) workload
from tasks t
inner join durations d on d.task_type = t.task_type
order by t.`timestamp` asc
) t1 on t1.id = t.id
set t.status = 1, t.tempCol=(@tempVariable:[email protected])
where @tempVariable-t1.workload >= 0
If you are running MySQL 8.0, you can do this with window functions:
update tasks t
inner join (
select t.id, sum(t.const * d.second) over(order by t.id) total_duration
from tasks t
inner join duration d on d.task_type = t.task_type
) t1 on t1.id = t.id
set t.status = 1
where t1.total_duration <= 15
In earlier versions, I would use a correlated subquery rather than variables:
update tasks t
inner join (
select t.id,
(select sum(t1.const * d.second) from tasks t1 where t1.id <= t.id) total_duration
from tasks t
inner join duration d on d.task_type = t.task_type
) t1 on t1.id = t.id
set t.status = 1
where t1.total_duration <) 15