this might be hard... three tables
I would like to retrieve a list of starship data + crew (group concatenated) + the rest of the starship records without team.
this code is giving back starship with team member one per row...
ss.starship_id, ss.starship_name, ss.starship_quota, ss.quota_insert_date as lastupd,
u.nome, u.cognome
FROM starship as ss
LEFT JOIN user_props as up
ON ss.starship_id=up.starship_id
LEFT JOIN users as u
ON u.id_user=up.id_user
this is sample data:
id name quota name surname
23 HAS CREW 7923 Luke Skywalker
23 HAS CREW 7923 PAdme Amidala
24 UnALTRA 0 Bilbo Baggins
24 UnALTRA 0 Frodo Baggins
column "lastupd" have been omitted
what i would like to have is just a "team" record with concatenated members, or null, when no team is on starship. see a sample table below:
id name quota TEAM
23 HAS CREW 7923 Luke Skywalker, Padme Amidala
24 UnALTRA 0 BilBo Baggins, Frodo Baggins
22 NO CREW 3552 NULL
I would use a correlated subquery for this:
select s.*,
select group_concat(u.nome, ' ', u.cognome)
from user_props up
inner join users u on u.id_user = up.id_user
where up.starship_id = s.starship_id
) team
from starship s