I'd like to mimic how this paging works:
Notice how the current page will always show two pages on either side? This seems like it would be a lot of conditional code when you factor in the case that you may be on page 4 and there is no gap between 1 and 3 or if you are on page 1 it will show more than two numbers to the right.
Can somebody get me off to the right start?
Here's sample output from console program with logic you are looking for:
Program.exe 1
1 2 3...100
Program.exe 2
1 2 3 4...100
Program.exe 5
1...3 4 5 6 7...100
using System;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// usage program.exe page#
// page# between 1 and 100
int minPage = 1;
int maxPage = 100;
int currentPage = int.Parse(args[0]);
// output nice pagination
// always have a group of 5
int minRange = Math.Max(minPage, currentPage-2);
int maxRange = Math.Min(maxPage, currentPage+2);
if (minRange != minPage)
for (int i = minRange; i <= maxRange; i++)
if (i != maxRange) Console.Write(" ");
if (maxRange != maxPage)