I have a discord bot that, on command, will send multiple messages to a channel. Some of the messages are images, and they always get sent last.
msg.channel.send({files: ["image.png"]});
for (var i in rules) {
msg.channel.send({embed: rules[i]});
msg.channel.send({files: ["image2.png"]});
msg.channel.send({embed: embed1});
msg.channel.send({files: ["image3.png"]});
msg.channel.send({embed: embed2});
I want the messages to be sent in the order of the code.
returns a promise, so you can just use async/await
// make sure your function is async
await msg.channel.send({files: ["image.png"]});
await msg.channel.send({files: ["image2.png"]});
await msg.channel.send({embed: embed1});
await msg.channel.send({files: ["image3.png"]});
await msg.channel.send({embed: embed2});