Am migrating application from ANT (EAR) to Maven (WAR). In ANT project I have WEB layer in WAR and EJB layer in JAR. EJB module has WebService code. Now am migrating ANT to Maven Henceforth application will have only WAR. When application in ANT I can have the two different context-root like "/webapp" and "/webservice". The context-root "/webservice" defined in EJB JAR archive like below,
<webservices-bnd xmlns=""
<!-- optional http publishing module overrides -->
<http-publishing context-root="/webservice" />
So I have different URL to access WEB and WebService, http://localhost:9080/webapp/application/index.html - Webapp http://localhost:9080/webservice/service/helloworld?wsdl - Webservice
As per IBM documentation
context-root in <http-publishing context-root="/webservice" />
will not work when I have only WAR file. So, I can only access webapp and webservice using same "webapp" context-root.
But I need two different URL to access webapp and webservice like above. How can I achieve this.?
If you're combining your EAR file into a single war, then there is no way override the default context-root of different endpoints in that war.
You can override the default context-root for an EJB jar using Liberty's ibm-ws-bnd.xml
configuration file, along with the element that you mentioned: <http-publishing context-root="/webservice" />
. You'd need to keep your EAR file with the EJB Web Service jar packaged separately from your war.