I am trying to get data from the firestore and then filter it then map it like so:
return Inventory
.filter(x =>x["sub_category"] === item && x["category"] === category)
.map(({id, item, price, quantity, image})=>{
//sets the default value for the item with that specific id
const defVal = parseInt((selectedQty.id === id)?selectedQty.qty:0)
return (
<React.Fragment key={uuid()}>
<div className="card">
<img src={image()} alt={item} />
<div className="innerBox">
<div className="dropdown">
<label htmlFor="quantity">Qty:</label>
<select id="quantity" defaultValue={defVal===0?1:defVal} onChange={e => {
setSelectedQty({id, qty: parseInt(e.target.value)})
Array(quantity).fill().map((_, i)=> {
return <option key={uuid()} value={0}>-</option>
return <option key={uuid()} value={i} >{i}</option>
<b>$ {price}</b>
<button type="submit" onClick={()=> {
addToCart(id, item, parseInt(finalQty), price, image(), parseInt(finalQty)*parseFloat(price))
setSelectedQty({id:null, qty: 0})
}}>Add to Cart</button>
Currently I am using Inventory Array but I want to switch to firestore but I have no clue how to do it. I am aware of the step db.collection().get().then(etc...) but i don't know how to map it to return it inside the Then
When you fetch data from cloud firestore, it returns a document / collection snapshot.
const docID = docSnapShot.id;
const docData = docSnapShot.data();
const isEmpty = colSnapShot.empty;
const docsData = colSnapShot.docs.forEach(docSnapShot=>{
return docSnapShot.data();
I believe your solution will look something like this:
let arrOfDocs = await db.collection("colName").get().then(colSnapShot=>{
return colSnapShot.docs.map(docSnapShot=>{
return docSnapShot.data();
Note that to listen to live updates, replace get().then(snapshot=>{})
with onSnapshot(snapshot=>{})