So following the setMethods
being deprecated in Vue-test-utils, I'm changing my tests to use jest.spyOn
. I simply want to emit an event from a child component and check the corresponding method was called on the parent, but somehow my method never gets called.
it('calls promptPasswordReset method when forgotten-password event is emitted from LoginForm', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(login, { store, localVue })
const promptPasswordResetSpy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'promptPasswordReset')
The corresponding child template:
@sign-up="isSignUpModalActive = true"
I don't understand because the event is properly emitted when I check wrapper.emitted
and spyOn works because if I manually trigger the method, it is called!
To spy on a component's methods, use jest.spyOn()
on the component's methods
definition, and then mount:
import MyComponent from '@/components/MyComponent.vue'
//... 👇
const promptPasswordResetSpy = jest.spyOn(MyComponent.methods, 'promptPasswordReset')
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, /*...*/)