I would like to "transpose" (not sure that's the right word) JSON elements.
For example, I have a JSON file like this:
"name": {
"0": "fred",
"1": "barney"
"loudness": {
"0": "extreme",
"1": "not so loud"
... and I would like to generate a JSON array like this:
"name": "fred",
"loudness": "extreme"
"name": "barney",
"loudness": "not so loud"
My original JSON has many more first level elements than just "name" and "loudness", and many more names, features, etc.
For this simple example I could fully specify the transformation like this:
$ echo '{"name":{"0":"fred","1":"barney"},"loudness":{"0":"extreme","1":"not so loud"}}'| \
> jq '[{"name":.name."0", "loudness":.loudness."0"},{"name":.name."1", "loudness":.loudness."1"}]'
"name": "fred",
"loudness": "extreme"
"name": "barney",
"loudness": "not so loud"
... but this isn't feasible for the original JSON.
How can jq create the desired output while being key-agnostic for my much larger JSON file?
Building upon Peak's solution, here is an alternative based on group_by
to deal with arbitrary orders of inner keys.
keys_unsorted as $keys
| map(to_entries[])
| group_by(.key)
| map(with_entries(.key = $keys[.key] | .value |= .value))
Using paths is a good idea as pointed out by Hobbs. You could also do something like this :
[ path(.[][]) as $p | { key: $p[0], value: getpath($p), id: $p[1] } ]
| group_by(.id)
| map(from_entries)