Search code examples

Simple Dynamic UserForm

I want to create ComboBox that list the not empty values in the dynamically changed range from C5 to last not empty column in the row "C". Thanks to user3598756 I build below solution but I get the error "Permission denied" when using both code blocks: ComboBox1.RowSource and ComboBox.List.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim wsRoadmap As Worksheet
    Set wsRoadmap = Sheets("Roadmap")
    With wsRoadmap
        ComboBox1.RowSource = .Range("C5", .Range("DJ5").End(xlToLeft)).Address
    End With
    With wsRoadmap
        ComboBox1.List = .Range("C5", .Range("DJ5").End(xlToLeft)).Value
    End With

End Sub


  • if you want to add items to combobox from columns then use this code -

    Option Explicit

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Dim TCol As Long, CCol As Long
    Dim wsRoadmap As Worksheet
    Set wsRoadmap = Sheets("Roadmap")
    TCol = wsRoadmap.Cells(5, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    'loop from column C to the last used column of 5th row
    For CCol = 3 To TCol
        If VBA.Trim(wsRoadmap.Cells(5, CCol).Value) <> "" Then
            Me.ComboBox1.AddItem wsRoadmap.Cells(5, CCol).Value
        End If
    Next CCol

    End Sub

    but if you want to add items to combobox from rows then use this code-

    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

    Dim TRow As Long, CRow As Long
    Dim wsRoadmap As Worksheet
    Set wsRoadmap = Sheets("Roadmap")
    TRow = wsRoadmap.Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
    For CRow = 5 To TRow
        If VBA.Trim(wsRoadmap.Cells(CRow, 3).Value) <> "" Then
            Me.ComboBox1.AddItem wsRoadmap.Cells(CRow, 3).Value
        End If
    Next CRow

    End Sub